You can join Hope Farm Medical Centre as a new patient if you live within the catchment area of the medical centre. New patients are booked New Patient Medicals which complete the registration.
New Patient Medicals are booked with our GP Assistants who will help you understand how the practice operates and learn more about you to update your medical records. If you have a new or ongoing medical problem this will need a separate appointment with your GP.
Non-urgent advice: New registrations
Register online
We are using a new online service called “Register with a GP surgery” that makes it easy to register with the practice.
Fill in the online form to start the process. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number.
The service is designed and run by the NHS, so your personal information is safe. It cuts our administrative workload and makes it easier for you to register.
Paper registration forms
If you would prefer you can download paper versions of the registration and bring them into the surgery to register.
To register you must complete both a GMS1 form and a questionnaire.
The registration documents are available to pick up at the surgery.