A carer is anyone who cares unpaid for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health condition or an addiction cannot cope without their support.
- Do you look after a family member or friend who couldn’t manage without your help?
- Maybe you care for a child with a learning or physical disability?
- Perhaps you look after someone who is frail, ill, has a disability, mental ill health, or substance misuse issues?
Download the “Does my GP know you are a carer?” leaflet
Register as a carer
Register as a carer with us to access our free information and support services
- Parent Carer Information, Support and Breaks
- Carers Essentials Fund
- Benefits Checks
- Access to Respite Services
- Carers emergency card
- Information, Advice and one-to-one Support
- Wellbeing events
- Relaxation Therapies
- Financial Support Towards a Break
- Training Around the Caring Role
- Meet Other Carers and Share Experiences
- Support for Carers who are Employed
Ask at reception to speak with our Carer Link to get a form or use our online form to let us know you’re a carer.
For information, support and advice call the Carers Trust helpline on 0300 102 0008, available 9-5pm, 5 days a week or email advice@cheshireandwarringtoncarers.org